Actor | Writer | Audio Artist | Educator





Dayenu (enough)

This is a piece focused on the word “Dayenu” which means approximately, “it would have been enough for us” or “it would have sufficed.” At Passover, Jewish families the world over gather together to recount the epic story of how the Jewish exodus from Egypt. The Passover seder is a special event steeped in symbolism … The assembled group reads from a “Haggadah” (ha-GAH-dah) retelling the story of Exodus. Certain symbolic foods are eaten. These traditions go back thousands of years. I looked through the Haggadah my father left me and I consider that word Dayenu (Die-ai-new) …thinking about hardship, war and torture and whether we’ve had “enough.” I was thinking about food and water and natural resources and wondering if we’ll ever have “enough.” In this time in 2024, it is heart wrenching to witness the massive amounts of death and to know that this discussion has been going on for years with no resolution. The video won first place in the Missouri Review National Audio Competition.


Globalization: preventing the sameness of the world

This video, animated by Warren Lehrer with Brandon Campbell, features the words of Eugene Hütz--leader of the gypsy-punk-cabaret band Gogol Bordello—sharing his views on 'globalization' and putting forward an alternative vision of what he calls "multi-kontra culture." This video with sound production and arrangement by Judith Sloan is the newest manifestation of Warren Lehrer and Judith Sloan's multi-media project, Crossing the BLVD: strangers, neighbors, aliens in a new America, which documents and portrays new immigrants and refugees in the United States.

Warren and Judith were hanging out on a rooftop one hot summer evening in the Lower East Side of New York, drinking vodka with members of Gogol Bordello, when Eugene came out with his critique of globalization and multi-culturalism, and offered up a kind of extemporaneous manifesto of multi-kontra culture. They liked his vision so much, they ended their 400 page, 4-color book with it (W.W. Norton). Judith mixed it with some street noise and the accordion of Yuri Lemeshev, also from Gogol Bordello, and made it the last cut on the Crossing the BLVD CD. That cut called "Globalization" is the soundtrack of this 4 minute 11 second animation, which Warren has just finished, in collaboration with artist/designer Brandon Campbell. The audio cut won the Utne Reader Indie Culture Award for 2004.


Feature 3

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