Actor | Writer | Audio Artist | Educator


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Judith Sloan, is an actress, audio artist, writer, radio producer, human rights activist, educator and poet whose work combines humor, pathos and a love of the absurd. For over twenty years, Sloan has been producing and presenting interdisciplinary works in audio and theater, portraying voices often ignored by the mass media. Her work has been produced in theatres and festivals throughout the U.S. and abroad including: LaMama experimental theatre, The Public Theatre, The Theatre Workshop (Scotland), The Smithsonian Institution, the Market Theatre (Johannesburg), etc. Her commentaries, poetry and documentaries have aired on National Public Radio, New York Public Radio, WBEZ Chicago, PRI, BBC, and listener sponsored stations throughout the U.S. Her solo performances and multi-character plays include: Denial of the Fittest Responding to Chaos, A Tattle Tale: eyewitness in Mississippi, and Crossing the BLVD: strangers, neighbors, aliens in a new America (based on the critically acclaimed book co-authored with Warren Lehrer winner Brendan Gill Prize) and YO MISS! Judith is one of four artists chosen for the Queens Council on the Arts Artist Commissioning grant for 2017/2018 for projects that tell untold stories and fill gaps in American culture with a new work in progress called “It Can Happen Here”.

Sloan has received numerous awards for her audio mixes, documentaries and work with musicians integrating storytelling, acting, sampling and multiple languages into symphonic pieces, live performance with actors and musicians, and radio including a 2013 New York Foundation on the Arts (NYFA) fellowship in Sound/Music, grants from the New York State Council on the Arts, the Queens Council on the Arts, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation among others. Sloan was commissioned to write the libretto for 1001 Voices: A Choral Symphony for a New America,with music by Frank London and animations by Warren Lehrer, which premiered in April 2012 by the Queens Symphony Orchestra and was produced in December 2017 at the Kupferberg Center for the Arts.

Along with Warren Lehrer, Sloan is the co-founder of EarSay, an artist-driven non-profit arts organization dedicated to uncovering and portraying stories of the uncelebrated with projects that bridge the divide between documentary and expressive forms in books, exhibitions, on stage, in sound & electronic media. She is also member of the Adjunct faculty at Gallatin School at New York University and a frequent guest performer and lecturer in universities and schools throughout the country. Sloan is a member of the Dramatist Guild and the Network of Ensemble Theatres and the Alliance of Resident Theatres, NY (ARTNY).